Happy New Year!

Jan 01, 2009

Posted by: John Admin


I hope y’all have had a safe and happy holiday. I myself had a very nice, relaxing holiday aside from getting a bunch of cavities filled yesterday (not fun, my jaw is still a little sore). To welcome in the new year I thought I’d share a few things with you. Let’s start with books.

My favorite genre to read is Urban Fantasy. What’s that, you might ask? Well if you’ve ever read Twilight then you’ve read an urban fantasy. UF is basically fantasy or paranormal elements set in a modern time period. It’s not very complicated. In Twilight there are vampires, werewolves, and shapeshifters existing in a world we know and can recognize. Harry Potter an also fall into the category of urban fantasy but to me it seems more like a category all it’s own. the Underworld movies? Those are urban fantasy as well as The Mummy movies. Got it? Good.

A couple days ago I bought myself two new Urban Fantasies. Amazing. I am not going to mention the titles here because they contain quite a bit of violence and other things, and are for mature audiences only (I mentioned one of them on my other blog, if you can find it). But I really hope that, like me, you decided to make more time to read for fun. I’ve got an amazon wish list of purely books, minus three things, and that is my to-read list. My goal is to get through as many of those as possible and reduce the list to one page, or at least read what I put on that list in 2008 to make room for new books that are sure to make their way onto the list this year.

Second thing I want to share is something called Fitting it In. I have joined Fitting It In.
Fitting It In is something that TLC’s webmistress Melissa Anelli started
and the goal is simple: to lead a healthier lifestyle. Hence, one of my
New Years Resolutions. The idea behind this is that by leading a
healthy lifestyle, if you need to lose weight then they should come
off. For me, I do not need to lose weight. I used to be underweight as
a child and as such I got sick very often and bruised easily. Now I am
at a good place but I realize that I still don’t lead a very healthy
life. In light of that revelation, I joined Fitting It In. I will post
blogs over there maybe weekly if I can remember but I’m going to try
and change my eating habits and also take care of my teeth because I
spent hours at the dentists office yesterday getting cavities filled
and it was probably the most unpleasant I have ever remembered it. so
that is part of my lead a healthier lifestyle. I strongly encourage you
to join either because you are interested in leading a healthier
lifestyle or you already do and wish to share your tips and wisdom with

I think that is it for now. Stay safe and warm!

The Leaky Cauldron is not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros., or any of the individuals or companies associated with producing and publishing Harry Potter books and films.